Batching - Claire's Top Tips for Productivity
Have you heard of the concept of batching? I hadn’t until 2019 and then it seemed to appear in lots of things I read and with coaches I...
Push up Challenge - Are you Serious?
I have never been a big fan of push-ups. It’s probably because I was never any good at them - and they hurt! Recently, an American...
Why is Breathing so Important in Pilates?
Inhale, Exhale Why is Breathing so Important in Pilates? As some of you may know as well as teaching Pilates, I also work as a...
We are in this together
My studio is made from love commitment and community. It is not a solo adventure, it is a family affair, a tribe of beautiful humans have...
Pre Pilates for Whole Body Pelvic Health Course
I have jokingly been saying that the Pre Pilates Whole Body Pelvic Health course is my life work! Actually that is no joke. This course...
Chapel Allerton Pilates Reopens after Lockdown
The studio is officially open! As previously mentioned we are adopting aphased return, which means we are integrating our studio...
Chapel Allerton Pilates Reopens
Studio to Reopen Monday 3rd August 2020 We are excited to let you know that we will be gradually re-opening the studio from Monday 3rd...
A letter from Scott
Hi everyone I wanted to tell you a little about the Chapel Allerton Pilates studio... When Claire received the keys for the studio it was...
Pilates Anatomy
What's Your Passion? I was asked this week what are you really passionate about ? I didn’t even need to think about it, I knew the answer...
Virtual Reformer on the Mat
Virtual Reformer on the Mat journey by Sarah Stonier When we had to close the Chapel Allerton Pilates Studio at the start of lockdown it...