Go Outdoors, & Your Physical & Mental Health Will Thank You!
“By all means never fail to get all the sunshine and fresh air you can.”
Joseph Pilates
“Hahaha….” I hear you say! A chance would be a fine thing.” I hear you say! With all the rainy days we’ve been having, it’s hard to feel the motivation to get out in the fresh air and as for sunshine, well it is there just hidden by rain clouds!
The picture above is Joseph Pilates aged almost 60 in his famous exercise shorts and he’s out in the snow preparing to do his exercises. There is video footage of him doing the exercises at Jacob's Pillow and elsewhere. Just more evidence of his instinctive understanding of what we needed to do for our good health and well being. He was so deeply in tune with his mind and body, nature, his environment and always prioritised moving outdoors whenever possible. Joseph Pilates was Forest Bathing before it was a thing as with many of his beliefs and methods he was ahead of his time.
I was super inspired on Thursday at our Pramercise class at Roundhay Park where I had 100% attendance from my hard core group of mums. The rain, the wind, the chill was so harsh but the exhilarating feeling we all had at the end was worth it. It was also motivating to do more with some of the ladies even attending classes later the same day.
So if these gorgeous mums and their babies can get outdoors then we can all make the healthy choice to walk to work, play outdoors with our children, go for a walk/jog, play a game or even just walk to your class at the studio. Your physical and mental health will thank you for it.
Here are the mums in question. You are welcome to join us with or without a baby it's a great Pilates workout outdoors!
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