Introducing Danielle Tatterson
We are delighted to introduce our brand-new teacher Danielle Tatterson. Danielle has recently completed the Polestar Pilates Mat Training Course at Chapel Allerton Pilates and has some great new classes coming to the timetable.
Hi Danielle, thanks for taking the time to speak with us today. Welcome to the team!
Thank you so much, I am so excited for my classes which start this week!
Did you start Pilates at the same time as commencing your Polestar Pilates Mat Training course?
I actually first discovered Pilates three years ago, when I was seeking assistance for injuries (lower back pain), which knocked my body out of alignment. I saw Physios and Chiropractors and I was diagnosed with a small bulge in one of my lumbar spine discs by an Orthopeadic Surgeon who recommended surgery. However, I wanted to avoid surgery, so after some research I was recommended a Physiotherapist (Ruth Cockerill at Physique Physio) who worked wonders, and it was Ruth who introduced me to Claire and Chapel Allerton Pilates and the rest is history.
One of your new classes is a beginner’s mat class, do you prefer teaching beginners?
There is a need for beginner mat based Pilates classes at Chapel Allerton Pilates and as I have just completed my training, I am ideally suited to deliver these classes. Beginner mat classes are so popular because they enable people to start their Pilates journey in an accessible way. I really enjoy teaching mat classes at all levels from beginners to advanced. There is real joy to be had from encouraging beginners in taking their first tentative steps in discovering Pilates. It is really awesome when a person finally 'gets it' and understands an exercise, when they feel the benefit of being able to move better, seeing themselves blossom through the weeks and feeling ready to move on to more challenging exercises if they wish. Intermediate and advanced class teaching continues this journey with being able to teach exercises that will positively challenge clients and enable them to access more advanced movement - which is both really rewarding for the clients and myself.
What advice would you give to someone who is completely new to Pilates and wants to start classes, but doesn't know where to begin?
The first thing I would say is, fantastic that you are considering joining a Pilates class. Beginner mat classes are a really great way to starting your Pilates journey. The team at Chapel Allerton Pilates is very knowledgeable, friendly and can help you with making the right decision as to what classes/sessions would be best for you. Also the beauty with Chapel Allerton Pilates mat classes is that you can pop along for one session and see if you like it without having to commit to a block booking. Coming along to your first class may be daunting but we are here to help and support you, if you have any questions before you come and after the session please do not hesitate to ask. Remember we've all been beginners
What do you get up to when you're not teaching?
Aside from Pilates I've got lots of interests I like to do in my spare time, not that I get time to do all of them unfortunately. Most of my hobbies based outside, including horse riding, mountain biking, trail running, cycling, skiing (in the winter) and being up in the mountains with my fiancé and my dog.
Join Danielle at one of her brand-new classes:
From Thursday 26th April
8:30pm Mat Class Beginners - Book
Friday from 18th May
5:30pm, Gentle Pilates - Book
6:30pm Experienced Mat Class
For private Pilates Mat at the Studio please contact the studio directly.