Why Not Write A Letter
This week I have been thinking about getting back to basics! What are our fundamental needs? What’s important? I focus a great deal at the studio working with people helping them to restore natural functional movement and educating on the importance of movement in our everyday lives. Some of which I have shared with you in other blogs. I have taken that a step further this week and I have been thinking about communication. This blog is a way I communicate but not everyone I would like to see it will see it. I teach groups of 4 - 10 people at a time so they hear me speak. What about those who can’t get to class would YouTube work? All these questions. I think I will work on YouTube. But that isn’t really getting back to basics! We are progressing so fast with technology and so many wonderful advances in science but are we letting go of some things without full consideration of the consequences? The boys received some mail this week and the joy and rapture on receiving something in the post was just gorgeous! I remember that feeling. The novelty of it! Now the mail is rarely anything of interest except my WI magazine or cards for family occasions. There are generations of all our families who letter writing still means something to, those who it is not automatic to even pick up the phone let alone send an e-mail or text. So today I put pen to paper and I exercised my hand writing movement skills and wrote three letters. I do touch type faster than I write and spell check is a lifesaver to my dyslexic brain. So writing takes time and involves different movement. Maybe if I wrote more I would write as fast as I type? Anyway, I wrote and added pictures by the boys and photos. All I know will be received with gratitude and help those people receiving them to know how important they are even when we are not together. This was my way of getting back to communication basics. It is important in life and work that to keep relationships alive and flourishing we need to do this through a range of mediums of communication to suit all those people who are important to us and to the message we are communicating. Maybe you can write a letter this week? Maybe a quick card or a note to say what someone means to you or to share some exciting news.