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What Brings You Joy?

I have been looking at my gorgeous boys and looking at what brings them joy!? What brings any of us joy? When you are a child you are blessed with freedom, creativity and a sense of limitless potential. I love seeing this in my children and I aim to model it and reflect it back too. 

We celebrated a birthday this weekend and the joys were so varied between all three boys. Big boy could hardly contain his excitement and joy about the gift he knew was perfect for his brother. Small boy sees joy in everything from baking the birthday cake and being fully dressed as a Pirate to being allowed to touch the giant pumpkin we found on a walk. Then the philosopher birthday boy who received all of his gifts with massive and equal amounts of gratitude with air punches then cuddles to each of the gift givers!! 

My boys give me so much joy and keep me in that free, creative, limitless mindset! There is so much to feel joy and gratitude for and all of us as unique individuals find our joys in all sorts of varied ways.

Recently I found joy in my fabulous husbands successes, the achievements of my lovely students who worked so hard to pass their Pilates exams, the consistent caring and precision teaching of my team and the collaborations with the Physio team. After a couple of thoughtful little nudges this week I have paused to see the joy in myself and my own achievements. Thank you to those gorgeous folks who reminded me to be grateful to me! I am raising a toast to myself for a moment today! Thank you! 

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